
I consult in statistical and methodological matters relating to mental health research. The areas in which I am most experienced and in which I enjoy working include:


I run workshops on many of the areas listed above, in particular, covering the analysis of longitudinal and trial data. These are typically ‘hands-on’ with participants being guided through real-life examples on their own machines. I specialise in workshops for participants who may not have strong statistical backgrounds and who may be ‘stats aversive.’ Workshops can be run on site and tailored to your needs.

My experience is demonstrated in around 300 published papers whose details can be found on Google Scholar or using my ORCID. Further details of my experience and references are available by contacting me.

I am based in Melbourne, Australia but have a long history of successfully working remotely with researchers around Australia and the world. I am also available to consult at your site by arrangement.

Please contact me initially at: